I come from a fine art background. Started off sketching while in school and quickly grew into colorful pages in large sketchbooks. As the digital age knocked on my front door I got completely consumed with design, especially since all my friends were developing websites and doing graphic design related works. I was sold, this was all I wanted to do. I spent years developing my skills in graphic design, logos, branding and web development. While all this was going on, there was something nagging at me from inside. I missed painting. While I was being paid to be creative, I never was fully satisfied and engaged like I was when I was painting. As a person that does not talk very much I feel it’s important to produce work that does talk a lot.
I thought I could merge my two worlds together and do digital paintings. It had been a while since I picked up a brush or even a pencil for that matter, so I relied pretty heavily on Photoshop and my Wacom tablet to help produce work not to mention my vast library of digital assets. And thus my digital paintings started popping out! Something was off though. While sitting in front of a computer and being creative is wonderful and all, it was not the same as putting paint to canvas. It was nice producing work again and at a pretty quick pace I might add, it just didn’t feel like it was quite me. It was not exactly what I felt was a true expression of inner visions that were taking place. I was beginning to feel as if was becoming a stranger in the creative field I once flourished in.
My creative drive at this point was only getting stronger and stronger. I hopped around from graphic design jobs not to find a career but to support me while I did what I felt was more important and that was painting. For so long now I have been producing works, not that I am absolutely passionate about but rather pieces that are more widely accepted. However I feel it is a responsibility as a visual communicator to create boldly and represent accurately what it is in fact you are passionate about.
Now that I’ve studied in multiple creative outlets the time has come for me to make my way back home to my first love which is painting. Recently I have been in heavy pursuit of taking my learning seriously from, reading, drawing and producing work both digitally and physically. It also was very recently that I was forced to take a hard deep look inwards to explore what was actually interesting to me.
As an artist I have been producing work for a while now but it hasn’t been to very recently that I have been really going for it. Trying to make up for lost time, I finally got serious about developing my skills not only in painting but drawing and basically going back to learn foundational teachings. I am starting to paint what I actually want to paint and my first goal in this arena is to accomplish painting what I feel is the perfect forest scape followed by a lot more of nature inspired shots.
Currently I paint mostly with acrylics. My next area of focus will be with oils and I am extremely excited to get into that. I have a lot of paintings all planned out and am also super inspired. Hope you stick around to see what comes from all of this.